Social Networking Survey

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The Massachusetts Securities Division is currently conducting a social media survey of state-registered investment advisers.

The first section asks whether you utilize any of listed sites, how long you have used such site(s), how many times in the last 12 months you have logged into your account or updated the content. It also asks if you plan to begin using any of the listed sites within the next 12 months. The sites include:

Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin, Foursquare, Digg, Flickr, Meetup, Youtube, RSS Feeds, Blogging, Podcasts or Other Media.

The survey goes on to ask . . .

2. Does the firm have written record retention policies related to retention of social media content?

3(a). Does the firm currently retain all content posted on social media websites maintained or operated, directly or indirectly, by the firm?

3(b). If documents are retained, what is the name of the party responsible for document retention?

4. Does the firm currently have written policies and procedures governing an employee’s use of social media?

5. Does the firm currently monitor or review social media content produced by its employees for business-related purposes?

6. Does the firm currently monitor or review social media content posted by third parties (such as by clients or prospective clients) on social media websites maintained by the firm?